Sponsors Alert
Walsh Media
Phone: 07 3638 8545 has been appointed by Queensland Police Legacy as the only authorised publisher of the Child Safety Handbook in Queensland.
There are individuals operating who claim to be representatives of official publications who are sending bogus sponsorship/advertising invoices and/or proofs to sponsors/advertisers such as yourself.
Should you be approached to sponsor/advertise, or should you receive an invoice for payment of sponsorship/advertising, ensure you verify the company’s bona fides. In particular, any invoice or communication should carry:
The Association’s Name, Contact Details & Emblem on whose behalf the publication is published.
Also, the company should be easily contactable and able to provide proof of publication without delay.
On behalf of Queensland Police Legacy, we wish to thank you for your ongoing support of the Child Safety Handbook, and we wish your business or organisation ongoing success.
Yours faithfully
Andrew Gough
QLD Police Legacy:
Suite 75, 11th Floor, North Point Building
231 North Quay Brisbane Qld 4000
Ph: 07 3236 2276
Child Safety Articles