Testimonials for Child Safety Website
"What a great resource. I was impressed with it's clarity and topics."
Angie Marsh - Department of Communities QLD.
"On behalf of the St John's Year 7 children we want to thank you for generously giving our Year 7 classes the Child Safety Handbook.
We are all very thankful and hope that if we ever run into trouble, we will be able to refer to this book. We will know more about the dangers in our community and how to keep ourselves safe.
On behalf of the Year 7 students at St John's we would like to once again thank you for the Child Safety Handbook"
Brooke Favier & Jacob Lange - 2009 School Captains
"Your books are generally included in our distribution that accompanies our Sexuality and Relationships program. They bring good focus on the safety aspects and we appreciate your providing them"
Kim TVEDE - Deputy Principal Jindalee State School
"Delfin Springfield Lakes is proud to support this initiative. This handbook covers every safety topic, and we will be including sections from this handbook regularly in our monthly Community Updates - "Your safety " section, to help ensure the messages reach the broader community "
Carol Greer | Community Liaison Officer, Springfield Lakes | Delfin Lend Lease
The books have been well received by our students and their families and will assist them in learning how to make well informed decisions in regards to their personal safety.
JM Girle - Principal Bymount East State School
I work as a Primary Health Care Nurse and I attend the Primary Schools Children's Education and I found this booklet of yours. Absolutely marvellous and the information was excellent.
Christine Connor - Dalby
Thank you for the Safety Handbooks you sent our students. They are a great resource. Is it possible for you to send some more?
Tanya Van Bruinessen - Millmerran State School
As the Year 7 teacher at my school, I was issued with the child safety handbook and I wanted to tell you that they look great :-) I had a flick through it and it looks like it addresses the issues that matter. With my class today we read over the chapter on bullying together as that is what effects some of my kids the most. We had quite a good discussion around it with the questions and information the book provides.
Thank you so much for this initiative.
Ria Sellers - Blackall State School
Thank you for the Police Legacy Child Safety Handbooks that you recently sent to our school. The Handbooks have been distributed to the children and I am sure they will be a very valuable tool for the children as they learn more about their safety.
Kerry Weber - Principal - St Sebastian's Primary School
This is an excellent resource as we are currently working with our students on Personal Safety, Inforation Protection, Cybersafety and Privacy Issues.
Val Ruffle - Head of Curriculum - Heatley State School
Thank you for sending us copies of this year's wonderful Child Safety Handbook. Could you forward 5 more copies so I can ensure everyone receives a copy.
Mrs Karen Scott - Head of Human Resources & Administration - St Philomena School
Child Safety Articles