Body Boosters
Dental health
Healthy teeth and gums are important to your long-term health and well-being. To keep your teeth and gums healthy requires more than simply regular brushing and flossing (although they are crucial, too!) A good diet is vital in keeping calcium at necessary levels and means you will minimise tooth decay by avoiding sugar-loaded foods.It is recommended that you keep to a minimum your intake of any food that has ‘added sugar’, including:
- Cordials and sugary fizzy drinks
- Cakes, puddings, sweet biscuits, lollies and chocolates
- Sweetened cereals and muesli bars
- Jams, stewed fruit, fruit canned in sweetened syrup, and sweetened fruit and vegetable juices
- Chocolate drinks and tea or other beverages with sugar.
How do I best care for my teeth?
There are several things you can do to help keep your teeth in the best possible condition:
- Brush at least twice a day and floss once a day
- Use fluoride toothpaste
- Manage your sugar consumption by avoiding the foods above. If you do eat and drink these foods, try and brush soon afterwards
- Use a mouthguard when playing contact sport, including sports such as squash and basketball
- Visit a dentist for regular check-ups
All injuries to the mouth or jaw – no matter how slight they appear to be – should be checked by a dental professional as soon as possible. Make sure you tell your parents or coach that you’ve been knocked in the mouth, so an appointment can be made for a check-up. If there is injury to the lips, cheek or mouth, have a parent, school nurse or other adult apply a cold compress to reduce bleeding and swelling.
What should I do if a tooth is knocked out?
Pick your tooth up by the crown – the end that you see in your mouth. Try not to touch the root. Look for help from an adult, or ask a friend to find help.
If the tooth is dirty, rinse quickly in milk, saline (or water as a last resort) then:
- Place the tooth back immediately in the space it was knocked from
- Hold the tooth in that position with a piece of aluminium foil
- Seek professional dental advice urgently.
- Place the tooth in milk, saline (or water as a last resort)
- Have an adult take you to a dental professional immediately
What if my tooth is broken?
If you break a tooth during sport or play, place the broken piece in milk, and have an adult take you to a dentist immediately.